Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day

Port Hudson National Cemetery
Port Hudson National Cemetery - photo by Renegade

Port Hudson Civil War Battlefield
Port Hudson Civil War Battlefield - photo by Renegade

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Memorial Day is much more than a three-day weekend that marks the beginning of summer. To many people, especially the nation's thousands of combat veterans, this day, which has a history stretching back all the way to the Civil War, is an important reminder of those who died in the service of their country.

Uncover the interesting history of the holiday we now call Memorial Day. Check out the Timeline of America's Wars and the Veterans Forum at The History Channel.

My boy and I went on a Cub Scout outing to the Port Hudson Civil War Battlefield and the Port Hudson National Cemetery. We hiked out to Fort Desperate, toured the museum and watched some live-fire exercises with Civil War cannons, muskets, and pistols. Then we had a picnic lunch and headed for the cemetery.

Every year, the Scouts go out to the cemetery on the Saturday before Memorial Day and put a flag on every one of the graves - which number 11,900. When people come to visit the cemetery on Memorial Day, they are struck with awe at the sea of flags honoring our fallen heroes. Check out the Port Hudson National Cemetery website for more information.

1 comment :

skipper said...

Thanks so much for this post. I have a dear friend that was burried at Port Hudson on Feb. 1st. It is heart warming that the Scouts put flags on the graves of our Vets. to remember them. God Bless you all!