Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Sharp Ship!

Take a tour of the Navy's new M80 Stiletto!
M80 Stiletto

Built to deliver and support Navy SEAL operations, this high-tech carbon-fiber craft is both beautiful and deadly smart. Get a closer look at the military's floating feat of engineering in this slideshow at Popular Science.

A dramatic departure from earlier military designs, the M80 Stiletto has the potential both to protect troops in combat and to keep the U.S. homeland safer by allowing a greater number of higher-speed patrols without a negative environmental impact. The M-hull’s inherent properties of bow wave suppression, shock mitigation, high speeds and fuel efficiency – all while retaining safety – make it an ideal solution for future navy ships operating locally and in duty areas around the world.

Check out the M Ship Co. Website for more info.

That's one sharp ship! Check out some of their commercial models!

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